ZX Spectrum cover art

POSEIDON - Planet ElevenJANUARY 18TH 2071 - The first manned spacecraft successfully lands on Mars. In the following decade the American Space Programme expandsdramatically. Probes are sent to the ten planets in our galaxy providing usefulinformation.By the 23rd century the Earth's surface is too dangerous to live on. Thedeterioration of the Ozone layer has caused nearly every country to be declared a danger area. Underground and domed cities are becomingovercrowded.JULY 18th 2327 - "Voyager VI" discovers a new planet outside our galaxy.It is named "POSEIDON", the eleventh planet. Probes are sent and it is foundto have a similar atmosphere to Earth.MARCH 28th 2329 - The manned Chinese spacecraft "TSE III" landssuccessfully on the planet "POSEIDON". Atmosphere readings show the airto be 97% clearer than Earth at the present time. The first human breathesfor over twenty minutes with no oxygen, apparatus or space suit.POSEIDON is declared fit for human habitation.JULY 10th 2330 - The first shuttle is launched carrying 4180 peopleincluding the flight crew.OCTOBER 26th 2372 - Over the next 42 years 17.5 million shuttlelaunches are recorded. The last shuttle lands on POSEIDON making thepopulation 7900m.NOVEMBER 4949 - The Earth's atmosphere has collapsed. The surfacetemperature is 215 degrees celsius. Earth is now officially a dead planet.FEBRUARY 8th 4956 - POSEIDON's underground pollution levels arereported to be high and causing damage to the planet core and structure.FEBRUARY 9th 4956 - The report is confirmed. Researchers find parts ofthe core to be low in Crystallite. The planet is over-heating from the insideout. Scientists predict the planet structure will collapse causing an implosionfollowed by a massive explosion destroying the planet.You, an underworld researcher and scientist, have been asked to travelbeneath the planet surface, find eight crystals and take them to the corewhere they will react causing the planet to cool.You acceptFEBRUARY 10th 4956 - YOUR OBJECTIVETo collect 8 crystals and take them to the planet core, thus ensuring thesafety of Poseidon.AREAS TO EXPLORE- Grass/Mud- Crystal - Concrete/Radiation- Molecular - Rocks/CavesShooting in a gas-filled room causes death to all inside. Radiation causesenergy loss.E = Energy BarF = Booster Fuel Bar - Collect fuel packs for Booster Fuel. More fuel = more consecutive jumps max 5.T = Temperature Bar. If the temperature reaches the top, the game is over. Weapons - Fire = Laser Fire pressed for 1 second = Ground Seeker.LOADING INSTRUCTIONSType Load " " then Enter.KEYSQ - UpA - DownO - LeftP - RightM - FireF - FreezeTo quit press Q while paused.Or use Sinclair joystick.